Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is exploring the possibility of moving much of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) online — as they did in 2020 during the pandemic — to minimize the potential disruption by pro-Hamas demonstrators. Allies of the 81-year-old Biden want a hybrid convention where the Democrat incumbent and rising stars within the party would speak in person, but other addresses would be pre-recorded and then aired on-site.
The goal of the hybrid would be to maximize pre-scripted television events while reducing the need for live programming that could be disrupted by protestors. Major party business, floor votes, and other convention mechanics would be brought off the floor and instead aired in a controlled and pre-recorded environment. This also would allow the DNC to sidestep Chicago’s progressive mayor, Brandon Johnson, who is seen as sympathetic to the protestors.
One of the biggest concerns among convention planners is the roll-call vote. Some within the Democratic Party want to see a pre-recorded roll call vote like the one used in 2020. This would prevent any spontaneous outbursts on the floor that could be caught by the live-feed cameras used by the major television networks. “If there is one peep in that hall, the networks will be all over it,” one convention planner told POLITICO.
via wnd